With the constant increase in Nigeria’s population, the Federal Government is working on a plan that’ll limit the number of children that Nigerian women can give birth to.
This was disclosed by the Minister of Finance, Zainab Ahmed, while she was speaking at the 24th Nigerian Economic Summit in Abuja on Tuesday, October 23, 2018.
READ – 7 Things You Need To Know About The New Minister Of Finance, Zainab Ahmed
The minister said Nigeria’s population explosion has been identified as one of the biggest challenges to President Muhammadu Buhari’s implementation of the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) and noted that the government is working with the relevant institutions
She acknowledged that religious leaders are a third force in the development of Nigeria and that the federal government has been working with them to control population growth.
“We have been engaging traditional, religious rulers and other leaders. Specifically, we have found out that to be able to address one of the great challenges that we identified in the ERGP, which is the growth in our population, we need to engage these institutions,” she said.
“And we hope that with their support, we will get to a point where we can come out with the policy that limits the number of children that a mother can have because that is important for sustaining our growth.
“The ERGP is not a new plan, it’s a plan that reviewed what needs assessment, what was in the vision 2020, what is in existing sector plans so because we have taken those plans and used them, the next administration will continue them, which government will not want to continue to improve the infrastructure? What we have in the ERGP are things that any government must do.”
Nigeria’s population is estimated to be between 180 million and 200 million and the country is projected to jump from seventh and become the third most populated country in the world by 2050 with a projected 300 million-strong population.
In reaction to this news, some Nigerians expressed their displeasure while others welcomed the idea.
So I read this article about ‘birth control’ policy in Nigeria. I sincerely hope it’s true,and it gets implemented. It’s about time!
— Mamàn Ayaan ? (@ShukrahFirdaus) October 24, 2018
The call for birth control is a welcome development in Nigeria, it will reduce irresponsible parenting, early childbirth, social vices, economic migration, unemployment, street hawking, inadequate spending on public schools and hospitals, crowd management and overpopulation.
— stop corruption (@stopcorruption1) October 24, 2018
This is absurd.Teach couples about FP, girl child education,create jobs get people to work and encourage them to discuss their options not put a limit. This will increase the risk of maternal/child mortality except you are looking at hysterectomy i wonder how that can be achived
— B.D. Davidson (M.D) (@biobeee) October 24, 2018
India did it, China did birth control, dis is just to manage our sky-rocketing population,
— Olanrewaju (@jimiroye1) October 24, 2018
Am not against it if only they will implement the one man one wife policy first before regulating the number of children to a woman and make sure it’s effective in the North!!!
— Ejekanonu Benjamin Chukwudum (@ejekanonu) October 24, 2018
It worked well in China because China is a communist nation. Failure to adhere to the law leads to punitive measures like denial of basic social amenities provided by the state. So how then will defaulters be punished here?
— Ify Okoli (@ifyfornow) October 24, 2018
As at 2006 there were 140 million people on Nigeria. 12 years on we’re at almost 200million. Population is increasing exponentially and social amenities are not increasing in fact they’re decreasing. We need to check the way people reproduce.
— Cool Jay (@iam_shegxyy) October 24, 2018
To clarify the statement she made about Federal Government placing a limit on the number of children that a woman could have, Zainab Ahmed, took to her Twitter page to explain further;
The federal government has been engaging critical stakeholders like traditional and religious leaders to advise their members on child spacing.
We never said we are placing a cap on childbirth.
What is child spacing?
This is a healthy practice of waiting between pregnancies. pic.twitter.com/fs0kfPzElw
— Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed (@ZShamsuna) October 24, 2018
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