7 Foods Guaranteed To Lower Blood Pressure

There are some foods  very good for the heart and it would do you good to add it to your menu.

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To reduce your blood pressure, here are some foods to include in your diet immediately:

1. Mango

Mangoes are a great source of both fiber and beta-carotene, both of which have been deemed effective at lowering blood pressure. In fact, research suggests that adding beta-carotene-rich foods to your diet may be an effective way to lower blood pressure in no time.

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2. Bell peppers (Tatase)

Adding this to your meals could be the first step on a journey toward a healthier heart and lower blood pressure. Bell peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C, with more of the potent antioxidant than even citrus fruits, which has been shown to improve cardiac function and lower blood pressure.

3. Original dark chocolate

A little dark chocolate can go a long way when it comes to lowering those numbers, thanks to its flavonoid content. Flavonoids, a type of plant-based pigment, have been linked to reductions in blood pressure, thanks to their ability to improve endothelial function.  But you have to make sure you’re choosing original dark chocolate for the biggest benefit.

4. Apples

An apple a day really does keep the doctor away, particularly for those struggling with high blood pressure. In addition to the 4.5 grams of blood pressure-lowering nutrient you’ll get from each apple, you’ll also enjoy a healthy dose of quercetin, which has been deemed effective anti-hypertensive.

5. Carrots

This orange goodness is blood pressure medicine in disguise. Carrots pack a great punch of beta-carotene and vitamin C, getting your blood pressure into a healthy range before you know it.

6. Eggs

According to dietitians, a high-protein diet, like one rich in eggs, can help lower blood pressure naturally while promoting weight loss, as well.

Just make sure you’re not going off from the health benefits of your egg-based breakfast by adding the wrong condiments  which reduces the nutrients in it.

7. Spinach

Include spinach into your cuisine in every way you can. Make it a part of your blood pressure-lowering routine. As well as being an easy veggie to sneak into everything from smoothies to sauces, tempting even the most sensitive tongues, spinach is fantastic when it comes to your blood pressure, thanks to its healthy helpings of fiber, beta-carotene, and vitamin C.

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