There are some fruits that perform wonders for the woman’s body – fights acne, good for clear skin, good for hair and the likes. These fruits are not too expensive and adding it to your cuisine will do you a whole lot of good.
These are some of the best fruits for the skin
Date Fruits Are Highly Nutrituitous And Here’s How You Can Make A Milkshake From It
1. Cashew Nuts
Cashew nuts contain selenium. An essential recommendation for the skin, selenium contains antioxidants that prevent free radicals and cancer.
2. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are very beneficial to oily skin. It contains zinc which makes oily skin look clean and clear. It also contains vitamin E which is an active antioxidant. The presence of vitamin K, B, iron and phosphorous can also help with osteoporosis.
3. Dates
Dates fruit are well known to repair skin cells, improve skin elasticity, hair health and fight aging.
4. Almonds
Almonds are a crunchy fruit that is proteinous and has fibre. We highly recommend it to be a part of a woman’s essential fruits because of its ability to fight acne and make the skin glow.
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