6 Health Benefits Of Cashew Nuts

Foods That Burn Belly Fat

amazing health benefits of cashew nuts

Cashew nuts are, strictly speaking, not nuts at all. Cashew nuts are the seeds of the fruit of the cashew tree, which is native to Brazil. Cashews are rich in Vitamins C, E, K, phosphorous, iron, magnesium and zinc and also contain antioxidants, phytochemicals and protein.

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The kidney shaped nuts can be eaten, on their own as a snack and some tribes use it in cooking as well. Adding cashews to your balanced diet can have many benefits and here are some of the health benefits of cashew nuts:

1. Improve the health of your heart

Another one of the important health benefits of cashew nuts is that cashews can improve the health of your heart. Most of the fat that cashews contain is the same healthy, oleic acid that is found in olive oil.

Research has shown that oleic acid reduces triglyceride levels, which is associated with the onset of heart disease. Cashews are also cholesterol free and contain antioxidants, which help to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

2. Promotes healthy bones

Health benefits of cashew nuts include promoting healthier bones. Cashews are especially rich in magnesium, which is needed, in addition to calcium that cashews also contain, for the maintenance of strong, healthy bone structure. Insufficient levels of magnesium can also be the cause of high blood pressure and migraines.

3. Restrain tumor cells growth

General speaking, vitamin K discovered in the nuts has ability to restrain the tumor cells growth. Also, it helps in the prevention of liver cancer and cirrhosis and best treatment of the liver cancer and cirrhosis.

This nut also contains a most important substance known Proanthocyanidin (flavonols) that has ability to combat against tumor cells by ending their growth and division.

4. Improves the health of your skin and hair

Copper is also an essential ingredient contained in enzymes that are good for the skin and hair. Without an adequate supply of copper, these enzymes would be unable to do their job of creating the pigments that give hair and skin their color.

5. Aids weight loss

Weight loss aid is another one of great health benefits of cashew nuts. Although cashews are relatively high in fat, the fat that they do contain is the good kind of fat.

It has been proven in studies that people, who eat nuts twice a week, are far less likely to put on weight, than those who don’t. Cashews should not be eaten to excess, but as a healthy, high fiber snack, they can form an important part of your diet.

6. Reduces the risk of developing gallstones

A study found that those who eat, at least, an ounce of cashew nuts every week has over 25% less chance of developing gallstones, than those who don’t eat them.

