How To Apply Strip Eyelashes

This Is The Easiest Tutorial On How To Apply Strip Eyelashes


Strip eyelashes are the latest trends in beauty statements and almost every woman wants to key into this. Not a problem though, as we are always here to help.

To avoid damage on your lashes, use cotton buds and oil free makeup remover to remove your falsies. Soak the cotton bud with the remover, and gently rub it on your lash line, the lashes will easily fall off, no tugging necessary.

Once the lashes are off, use coconut oil to remove the residual glue on your lashes.

Avoid using oil on the false lashes, because the oil left on the lash band will make it difficult for the glue to bind to your lash line the next time you try to put them on.

Grip firmly on the lashes with one hand, and use the tweezers to gently pull of sections of glue stuck to the lash band.

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