5 Tips To Help Expectant Mothers Stay Fit During Pregnancy


Are you expecting? Then this is for you. Pregnancy can be a whole other experience for women. At this stage, your body is in overdrive and as much as you need to eat and sleep well you also need to exercise.

It is a good decision to start a fitness routine during pregnancy because it helps to strengthen your muscles and prepare you for a healthy labor.

Understand your body type in order to choose the right workout routine. Most pregnant women opt for prenatal yoga, walking, simple cardio,

Here are some simple rules and tips to help you stay fit during pregnancy

1. Stay as Active as You Were Before Pregnancy


 Pregnancy is not the time to get into shape or start a new workout regimen. If you ran and did yoga prior to becoming pregnant than of course, you can continue with that.

Don’t start training for something while your pregnant. If you’re not a runner, don’t start now. Doctors recommend that you continue with whatever your daily activity was prior to your pregnancy to help keep you and your baby healthy.

2. Eat Healthily

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Many women experience food cravings when they are expecting yet it is important to eat healthy for you and the baby.

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3. Drink enough water

Drinking enough water ensures you keep hydrated which in turn reduces tiredness and pregnancy nausea. This in itself can stop you from overeating as you may often think you are hungry when you are really just thirsty.

4. Get enough sleep


Ensure you have enough rest, no athlete would train continuously for 9 months and you shouldn’t either. Get to bed early in a dark room that will allow you to sleep for a minimum of 8 hours.

5. Do exercises you enjoy


To make sure you maintain your exercise and to help you stay motivated it helps if you do the exercise and activities that you love. Don’t try and take up swimming if you hate it just because you heard it was good for pregnant women.

You just need to modify your exercise programs by reducing duration and intensity and choosing specific pregnancy exercises that you will enjoy.


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