Khafi’s Management Team Reacts To Allegations By UK Newspaper On Her Sexual Misconduct In The House

BBNaija 2019 housemate, Khafi Kareem popularly known as Khafi is currently entangled in allegations as regards her appearance in the Big Brother House.

The Sun UK had in a cover story yesterday which read ‘MET COP HAS SEX ON BIG BROTHER’ alleged that Khafi who is a policewoman defied her bosses order by appearing on the reality show.

Khafi joined the Met as a PC based at Lambeth station in 2015 after working part-time as a special constable for four years.


The 29-year-old is also said to be under investigation for having sexual activities with fellow housemate Gedoni.

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A Met spokesman said:

“The Met is aware that the officer has since appeared on the show without authority. The Directorate of Professional Standards has been informed and will be carrying out an investigation into the circumstances.

“The Met does not support the officer’s appearance nor does she represent the Met whilst appearing on the show.

“All officers have a duty to behave with professionalism and in a manner that does not bring the Met into disrepute whether on or off duty.

“Those who do not behave professionally risk breaching police standards of professional behaviour, and may be dealt with by way of misconduct proceedings.”

The Met said she was on unpaid leave granted “for an unrelated ­reason” before being refused permission to appear on the show.

Khafi’s management have swiftly responded to the allegations in a statement.

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This has got people talking with many describing the allegations as defamatory and fake.

See some reactions on Twitter.