7 Health Benefits Of Spring Onions And Why It Should Be Included In Your Diet

spring onions

Spring onions also known as ‘scallion’ or ‘green onion’ are relatively young onions plucked before the bulb has had a chance to grow.  They not only taste great but have numerous health benefits for the body.

Spring onions are rich in vitamins including Vitamin C, and thiamine. They also contain Vitamin A and Vitamin K.

In addition, these are good sources of copper, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, chromium, and fiber which makes them very beneficial.

Both the green leafy part and the white bulb of the spring onion are edible. It tastes a little milder than the regular onion and can be cooked or eaten raw as well.

Today, we’ll be looking at the health benefits of spring onion.

1. Reduces the risk of cancer

Start eating healthy by including more green onions in your daily diet to reduce the risk of cancer. Green onion is an excellent source of Sulphur which is quite beneficial for overall health. It has compounds like allyl sulfide and flavonoids that prevent cancer and fight against the enzymes that produce cancer cells.

2. Prevents viral infections

Green spring onions are known for their antibacterial and antiviral properties. They help in fighting viral infections like colds and help remove mucus.

3. Aids digestion

Rich in fibre content, spring onions aid digestion and bowel movement. Try as much as possible to eat it on a regular basis either in cooked form or raw, added to salads.

4. Good for eye health

Spring onions are an excellent source of carotenoids and Vitamin A, which helps in keeping the eyes healthy and prevent loss of vision.

5. Boost the immune system

Rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, green spring onions help in boosting the body’s immune system and protection from infections.

6. Boost heart health

Green spring onions are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that help in fighting free radicals and lower the risk of heart disease.

7. Lowers blood sugar level

Due to the Sulphur compounds found in spring onion, the body’s ability to produce insulin tends to increase. This insulin which is absent or low in a diabetic patient converts the sugar in the body to energy. This helps to prevent diabetes to a great extent.


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