These 6 Tips Will Help You Save Cost And Still Plan The Wedding Of Your Dreams

Getting married when the economy is doing a nose-dive can put a lot of strain on your finances as a couple so you should watch out for ways to save money while planning your big day.

You definitely do not want to go broke after saying ‘I do’ and neither do we want you to.

Here are 6 sure ways you can cut expenses and still have the wedding of your dreams

1. Prioritize

Before you begin planning your wedding and reception, sit down with your partner and make a list of your top five priorities. This will help to determine where to go all out, and where it’s fair game to cut corners. For instance you can forgo a live band for a dj. it would still be fun.

2. Limit your guest list

Although we know it is nearly impossible to really tell how many guests will be at a Nigerian party, you can still work on reducing the number of invites you send our or make it a strictly by invitation affair. Keeping the guest list as concise as possible will drastically reduce reception costs. Most caterers charge per person so the difference between 100 guests and 150 will be significant.

3. Think about your reception location

Another way you can cut back cost is by opting for a hall or reception venue that will cost you less. There places where based on location you will pay millions while the same size of venue in another place won’t cost as much.

4. Wedding attire

This another aspect of the wedding planning that takes a lot of cost. You and your groom can forgo designer outfits and go for an equally good but locally made ones. At the end of the day, your wedding dress only serves you once.

5. Look for good bargains with those providing you services

For instance, you can talk to your photographer about getting a discount if you  give the full package of covering your pre-wedding, wedding, reception photography. Most are usually willing to based on how good you can make your business look to them

6. Ask for favours

Family members and friends can be of great help when it comes to cost cutting. Before you start looking for your vendors, find out if any one you know offers the same services. They will most likely do it for cheaper or even for free as a wedding gift to you and your groom

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