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4 Interesting Ways To Reduce Ageing

Anti Ageing Tips


Anti Ageing Tips

If you are interested in slowing down the process of ageing, then you have to make some changes to your lifestyle. This will ensure that you always look younger than your age.

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1. Fruits and vegetables

These are super healthy for the ageing. Some fruits contain antioxidants that help to prevent stroke and other age-related diseases.

According to studies, plant foods contain 64 times more antioxidants than animal foods. Although food is very important, there are other habits that should be changed.

2. Stop smoking

Quit smoking because the body does not heal as fast as it used to. So the more you smoke, the more you age.

3. Stop alcohol

If alcohol must be taken, take red wine instead of beer as it contains antioxidants.

4. Exercises

Exercise at least 20 minutes in a day by participating in effective but simple exercises like walking and mild stretches. Some athletes look younger than their age because of their strict workouts and diet which makes their muscles taut and hence prevent extra skin from wrinkling and sagging.

If alcohol must be taken, take red wine instead of beer as it contains antioxidants.
