Counting calories is one of the easiest ways to lose weight. It is a simple way of taking charge of what goes into your body in the form of food and there is a simple guide to help you count calories and get it right. Calories are units of energy. In nutrition, calories refer to the energy people get from the food...
Setting fitness goals for yourself before the start of a new year can go a longer to determine how much you can actually stick to it and see results. The most important thing is to set realistic goals that are workable and achievable. These objectives can be hard to stick to because they’re often just plain unrealistic, and therefore...
The harmattan season is finally upon up and with it comes some health implications that can lead to sickness if precautions are not taken. Generally known as a dry and dusty time of the year characterized by a temperature which is cold in most places, but can also be hot in certain places, depending on local circumstances. During the harmattan season, there...
Every relationship requires some amount of work but when you put effort and energy into making your relationship work, you should have a healthy and fulfilling relationship at the end of the day. It is tempting to want to hold on to a relationship that once gave you so much happiness but if you notice a consistent decline in the...
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the organs of a women’s reproductive system which include the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and cervix. Several different types of bacteria can cause PID, including the same bacteria that cause sexually transmitted infections (STIs) gonorrhea and chlamydia. What commonly occurs is that bacteria first enter the vagina and cause an infection. As time passes, this...
Nothing kills communication between couples these days faster than pulling out their smartphone. Although technology has helped us in many significant ways, it is fast becoming a harbinger of doom for many relationships. A lot of breakups in recent times are caused either directly or indirectly because of what one partner does with their phone. Probably your relationship has been...
There are several store-bought and fancy beauty products that promise to work magic in clearing out pimples. Many of them are quite expensive but do they deliver the promised result? No. You Are Sure To Get A Clear And Glowing Face With These 5 Tips Every woman wants to have that flawless skin that is blemish-free, but you might be...
There are different types or styles of wedding dresses out there and the issue is how do you chose a dress which is suit your body shape and make you look beautiful. Your body shape heavily depends on what type of dress you should wear especially for special occasions like your wedding day. There are at least six body shapes...
Ear wax is a completely natural wax-like substance, secreted by special glands in the skin on the outer part of the ear canal. Earwax assists in repelling water and trapping small dirt and dust particles from entering your inner ear canal. Just the same way other seemingly gross bodies produce such as your saliva, urine, faeces can pinpoint some health...
When it comes to your heart, you can never be too careful. The state of your heart goes a long way to determine how much enjoyment you can derive from normal everyday activities. Maybe you don’t smoke nor drink, you eat healthy and even engage in one form of exercise or another, it might interest you know that there are...
Hello!! My name is Anu
I'm a passionate digital media strategist and the creative mind behind FabWoman. My goal is to inspire and empower millennial women across Africa to live their most fabulous lives. Through FabWoman, I create engaging content that covers everything from fashion and beauty to health and lifestyle. When I'm not working, you'll find me exploring the latest trends, enjoying good food, and staying fit. Let's make every day fabulous together!