A Parfait is a rich cold dessert made with whipped cream, nuts, and fruits.  This healthy snack traces its origin to France and over time there have been various recipes coming up. A yogurt parfait is a simple and healthy snack that can work as breakfast or an  after-school snack for kids READ:  Your Diet Is Not Complete Without...

Sweet potato porridge is a meal whose beauty cannot be described enough without you tasting it or trying it out yourself. This recipe is simple, easy to prepare and quite inexpensive too. To learn how to prepare, please look below. Ingredients -1 Large Sweet Potato -1/2 bulb of Red Onion -2 Large Tomatoes -2 Scotch Bonnet Peppers -2 Seasoning cubes...

One can never have too many great recipes of the same food and we know this. Buka stew is one delicacy that no one should miss out on. It can be enjoyed with Rice, bread, yam and any type of solid. Buka stew is believed to have come from the Yoruba people but almost every tribe now prepares this sumptuous...

Yam is a large tuberous starchy root commonly eaten in Nigeria. Like potatoes, yam is a healthy energy-giving food that can be used to make all sorts of traditional and modern recipes. Yams are also rich in vitamin B6, potassium, and dietary fiber which helps to improve heart health. The good thing is there are so many healthy and nutritious...

Face scrubs are great for removing dead skin cells and polishing the skin. They can help reduce red spots and blemishes while softening the skin. As it exfoliates, the face scrub helps to increase circulation and uncover the radiant skin beneath. Oatmeal and honey have amazing healing qualities separately, so using them together brings amazing results. Oatmeal is full of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory...

Pineapples are sweet delicious tropical fruits with wonderful health benefits. It aids digestion, boosts the immune system, helps to reduce inflammation, cures a cough, accelerate weight loss,  helps in the respiratory health and helps to strengthen the bones. Pineapples can be added to your daily diet in many forms, eaten raw or blend for juice. Pineapple smoothie is juicy and...

A smoothie is a thick, cold beverage usually made from blended raw fruit mixed with other ingredients like fruit juice, crushed ice, dairy products and nuts. Smoothies are really healthy and satisfying yet it all depends on the ingredients used and the proportions. A smoothie made with bananas provides your heart with healthy fibre and protein. It is also a good...

Spicy Millet Porridge also  known as Hausa Koko,  is a sour and spicy smooth porridge. It is a popular Ghanaian, street food porridge made from Millet (Bajra seeds) and spices. As the name suggests, it’s synonymous with the Hausa’s of Ghana and it’s readily available across the country. It is highly nutritious and easy to prepare. Ingredients 1/2 cup corn dough...

Sangria is an alcoholic beverage of Spanish origin. It traditionally consists of red wine and chopped fruit, often with other ingredients such as orange juice or brandy. RELATED – Date Fruits Are Highly Nutritious And Here’s How You Can Make A Milkshake From It In this recipe, we substitute red wine for palm wine to give that Nigerian touch. Here’s how...

Oven-Baked Barbecue Chicken is one delicay that can be eaten with practiclly anything. If you have not made this before, now is the time. Below is an easy recipe How To Prepare Yummy Grilled Croaker Fish In 6 Easy Steps Ingredients 1 kg chicken legs or thighs 2 cups prepared barbecue sauce, divided Salt, to taste Ground black pepper, to...