How To Prepare Efo Elegusi

Learn How To Prepare A Pot Of Efo Elegusi With This Recipe

How To Prepare Efo Elegusi

Thinking of a great way to spice up your menu? Not to worry, this efo elegusi is all you need to make your loved ones licking their fingers and asking for more.

Guess what also, this soup is super easy to make and it is very expensive too as you do not too much money to make this delicacy.

Below is an easy recipe on how to make efo elegusi


– 1 kg Beef
– 1 medium Stockfish head
– 1 medium size Smoked fish
– 1 medium bunch Shoko leaves
– 4 Fresh pepper (ground)
– 4 large sizes Fresh tomatoes (ground)
– 4 large sizes Tatashe (ground)
– 1 large size Onion (ground)
– 1½ cups Egusi (ground)
– 2 Maggi cubes
– 1 small wrap Iru
– 1½ litres Water
– Salt to taste

How To Prepare

1. Wash and season the meat, and stockfish head with onion, maggi cubes, salt and pepper then steam till water dries up. Add one litre of water and continue cooking.

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2. Pick, wash, cut the shoko leaves and blanch slightly then set aside.Wash and de-bone the fish.

3. Heat the palm oil, and then add ground fresh tomatoes, onion, pepper, and tatashe. Fry for about 5-10 minutes.

4. Add the stockfish, smoked fish and water or meat stock. Allow to cook for about 5 minutes. Add ground Egusi. Boil without stirring for about 10 minutes.

5. Add water. Continue boiling for 8-10 minutes. Add iru, maggi cubes,Stir and simmer for about 2 minutes, and add salt to taste.

6. Then add shoko leaves, and allow to simmer for another few minutes.

7. Remove from heat and serve with semovita or pounded yam.

You can also watch this video to help

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