5 Reasons Why Every Woman Needs To Say ‘No’ More Often



Saying no more often is one of the most freeing things you can do for yourself. It sounds like a harsh thing to do but unusually, it is freeing both for you and the person you are saying no to.

Sometimes, we do not want to disappoint the people we love by saying no for them, but it would even be worse to say yes and not come through on that.

So, here are five reasons why you should say yes more often and how it can be a positive thing to do.

1. You are not superwoman

You have to remind yourself that you do not have unlimited resources. Sometimes we think that we are able to do everything, so we say yes to everybody, all the time, always.

This can be harmful to your mental health because when you say yes and you are unable to deliver on those things that you have said yes to, it can make you feel inadequate and stressed.

2. Your goals come first

We need to remember that our goals come first. This is because we tend to neglect them when we say yes to too many activities. When we want to impress people or not disappoint them, we tend to put our priorities on the back burner, saving it for a later date and procrastinating.

Whenever you want to agree to something, first analyse it to see whether it is something that would not jeopardise your priorities. Also if the person is dear to you, you can give them reasons for why you are unable to do what they want you to do at that time.

3. People will take you more seriously



You may think that saying yes will make you more likeable and put you in people’s good graces but often times, it can make them walk all over you. It can also make you be their last resort.

Saying no makes people learn to value your time and resources because they know that for you to agree to do something for them, it must be really important and worthy of your time.

Also, read These 5 Things Will Help You Command Respect At Work Without Being Aggressive

4. It saves you money

Unusual right? But saying no more often keeps you from making plans that would cost you money. You don’t have to buy that Asoebi of your cousin’s friend’s aunty’s grandma. You don’t have to go out to eat with friends all the time.

All these engagements that we agree to can sometimes make us spend more than we intend to and as savvy women, we have to learn how to be financially responsible.

Also, read These 7 Tips Will Help You Become More Financially Responsible

5. You seem to have more time

When you free yourself of things that consume your time, you would create more time for the things that you really should be doing and it would help you to be more focused o your goals and prioritizes.

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