The cliche goes ‘the beautiful ones are not yet born’, but the truth still stands– the beautiful ones are born everyday. Babies are the cutest humans on earth, and because they’re fresh from the womb and well taken care of, they remain fresh. Here are cute baby photos that we spotted on our Instagram feed to brighten up your day:...

American Actress, Gabrielle Union was all over the news in 2018 after she welcomed her first child with Dwayne Wade. Although it’s only been three months Ms Union has definitely gotten this parenting thing covered. The 46-year-old actress recently sat down with Women’s Health magazine to chat about her infertility struggles, what she looked for in a surrogate, and how she’s raising baby Kaavia, and moms...

Teenage years are some of the toughest in people’s lives– you can also testify. Within these years, situations in the society affect the child, and you may not know about this. Teenage depression comes in a flash, but you can never know when it would come. This is why you should take precautionary measures. Many teenagers are cyber-bullied, frustrated by...

Pregnancy is a very delicate and important stage of every woman’s life. Some issues are bound to occur during pregnancy and ‘gastrointestinal issues’ is one of them. Some women may experience GI issues that develop after becoming pregnant. Gastrointestinal problems affect the gastrointestinal tract, primarily the esophagus, stomach. READ: Adding Calcium To Your Pregnancy Diet Is Beneficial And These Reasons Are Convincing...

It’s 2019 and we have some new mothers we’ll like to introduce you to. From January to December 2018, quite a number of female celebrities became new mothers. From actresses to tv personalities, we had several celebrities with miraculous childbirth. ALSO READ: 2018 Was A Year Of Controversy And Here Are The Celebrities That Got Us Talking This post will show...

As an expectant mother, getting plenty of rest is important for both you and your baby. Your sleep position will affect the quality of the rest you get which can, in turn, affect your health. ALSO READ: Adding Calcium To Your Pregnancy Diet Is Beneficial And These Reasons Are Convincing Pregnant women can’t sleep like every other person without pregnancy for...

The holiday season is here and its Christmas, your children are going to be home all day. We know you would need to keep your children busy one way or the other. ALSO READ: Get Your Daughter Looking Beautiful This Christmas Season In These 12 Gorgeous Hairstyles If you’re tired of repeating the same activity with your kids during the holidays?...

You had a child out of wedlock, and you’re worried about how you’re going to juggle caring for your child and caring for yourself. Also, since you had your darling out of wedlock, you have to be the one nursing your child. If your child is a little grown, then you don’t have to worry much. Even though you have...

Many mothers get too busy and entangled with having to take care of the children and put the home in order. Some women even forget to apply makeup to work because they are always in a rush to leave the house. We know it’s tasking to be a mother and sometimes a wife but you can do better by taking...

Every pregnant woman needs to maintain a healthy diet in order to help the baby grow well. A diet lacking the key nutrients may negatively affect the baby’s development. During this period, you must make sure you’re taking foods that contain the right amount of nutrient needed for your child growth and development. ALSO READ: Adding Calcium To Your Pregnancy Diet Is Beneficial And...