5 Delicious Family Meals You Can Prepare With Only 2000 Naira


I know that in Nigeria, we like to say, “better soup na money kill am” but there are some delicious meals that can be made without breaking the bank. All of the meals are listed here are nutritious, family friendly and better still can be made on a 2000 naira budget. Amazing right?

Here are 5 budget-friendly family meals that you can try and adopt into your family’s diet.

1. Spaghetti Stir Fry

This meal is a staple in many households because of how easy and quick the preparation is. To make Spaghetti Stir Fry, you would need a pack of spaghetti or two, depending on the number of people you’re cooking for. Each pack of spaghetti is 250 naira at most and contains four servings so if you’re cooking for 6 adults, you would need two. There are so many ways to make spaghetti stir fry and you can never run out of ideas.

Also, Read Treat Your Family This Weekend With This Stir Fry Chicken Spaghetti Recipe

2. Egusi Soup with Fish

Egusi soup has been termed the young wife’s go to because of how delicious and easy it is to make. It is also an affordable choice and you would hardly find anyone that does not like Egusi soup. A derica of egusi seeds go for 600 naira and that is more than enough than you need.

Also, Read Learn How To Prepare A Pot Of Efo Elegusi With This Recipe

3. Yam Porridge

This is another meal that can be prepared in a variety of ways. It is considered to be one of the healthiest and delicious meals ever. Different tribes have different ways of making yam porridge but at the end of the day, it is a suitable meal staple in many families. A medium tuber o yam goes for 700 naira.

Also, Read 7 Tasty Yam Recipes You Need To Try This Weekend

4. Beans and Plantain

Beans are a healthy proteinous dish that many people love and enjoy. It is an affordable option and the addition of plantain spices up the meal and adds a tinge of sweetness to the dish. A derica of beans currently goes for 35o naira and a bunch of about 6 plantains goes for 200 naira.

5. Okra Soup

This is a meal that people either really love, or really hate. Most people do not like it because of how messy it can get. However, it is a really nutritious family-friendly dish that is very affordable. You can buy ground okra at any local market for at least 50 naira. It is usually made with other healthy vegetable and lots of fish.


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