If You’re 30 Years And Older These 5 Foods Shouldn’t Be Included In Your Diet


Food is and would forever be bae. However, there are certain foods that we should not be eating after a certain age. I know that they are delicious and thoughts of cutting them out from your diet are keeping you up at night and wondering who you offended.

Also, read 5 Food Combinations That Are Surprisingly Dangerous To Your Health

However, there are some sacrifices you must make to reach your fitness goals. Remember that it is harder to lose weight and shape up after a certain age.

Here are 5 foods you should cut out of your diet if you are 30 and older.

1. Milk


Dairy can be a serious sabotage to weight loss and especially in losing belly fat. It causes bloating and takes a lot of time to digest. It also causes digestive discomfort when you are at this age.

2. Hot dogs

All you shawarma lovers are probably about to click out of this post, but chill. Sausage or hot dog as it is popularly called is one of the worst forms of processed meat. It is packed with sodium which gives its unique taste and in turn, causes bloating. It also contains artificial colouring and this is not beneficial for your health.

If you can’t give it up, try to roast or boil it instead of frying it.

3. Margarine


Not trying to spoil business for butter companies but if you are over 30, margarine is one of those foods that you should give up like yesterday. It is packed with chemical, unhealthy fats and sodium and this can cause your cholesterol levels to go up.

4. Agege/White Bread

Instead, swap white bread for whole grain, banana or plantain bread. White bread is chock full of gluten and unhealthy carbs that do nothing for your health and fitness.

Also, read Recipe: How To Make Yummy Plantain Bread in 9 Easy Steps

5. Ice Cream


This one will make you people fight me but its true. Ice cream is not good for you when you are older than thirty. Especially if you eat it on a regular basis. It is filled with sugar, dairy and unhealthy fats. Instead, swap for yoghurts and fruits. This is healthier and in my opinion, a more delicious option.

Also, read Try Your Hands On This Yummy Yoghurt Parfait Recipe This Weekend

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