Couscous is a North African dish of small steamed granules of rolled durum wheat semolina that is traditionally served with a stew spooned on top. It is pasta made from semolina flour mixed with water. For vegetable lovers, the vegetable couscous recipe is a great way to enjoy the meal. Also, it is garnished with ingredients that are beneficial...

Have you ever tried to fry a banana, Probably not right? Vlogger, Zeelicious takes us through the process of frying a banana in this episode of her Vlog. Want to know what the end result was, then watch the video below....

In her latest video, Sisi Yemmie shares her delicious Coconut Moi-Moi recipe. It is not only delicious but a must-try for those who want a switch-up in their food routine. Ingredients – 2 Cups Beans – 200ml water to blend – Tatashe 3 – Scotch Bonnet 3 – Shombo 4 – Onion 2 – Crayfish Powder 2 Tablespoons – Vegetable...

Efere Ibaba soup is a dish native to the Efiks, Ibibios, and also Igbos. The soup is basically thickened with ibaba seeds also called ‘okpo’ by the igbos. The seeds are unshelled and then cooked until bleached (the water is not black any more). It is the ground and used as a thickener. To achieve an additional flavour and taste,...

The percentage of vegetarians in Nigeria is on the rise daily as many want to eat healthy. Being a vegetarian in Nigeria may be difficult because of the available food here. ALSO READ: 5 Foods You Should Never Eat Before Going To Exercise We have found a way to tailor our food in Nigeria to fit into a diet plan of...

One of the major ways to define any culture is food recipes. Africans are known to have delicious food recipes and we wouldn’t mind exploring them with you. One of the recipes we’ll be looking at in today’s post is from South Africa and it’s called Chakalaka. It’s one of the major meals in South Africa and it’s known for its...

It’s time to quit boring and regular breakfast and snack. It doesn’t have to be bread and egg or bread and tea all the time. Granola is one of the best choices to help you change your regular breakfast or snack. Granola is a breakfast food and snack food consisting of rolled oats, nuts, honey or other sweeteners such as...

There are several ways you can bring creativity to the Nigerian food recipe and Otong soup is one. Otong soup is a popular traditional Okra soup recipe from the Efik people of Cross River, South Southern Nigeria. ALSO READ: Ever Heard Of Onunu? Learn How To Prepare This Delicacy In Less Than 15 Minutes Otong soup is very similar to the Yoruba...

This homemade onion rings recipe is the truth. Onion adds flavor to all dishes. Asides from the fact that it adds flavor to food, it also has a lot of nutritional benefits. You can do so much more with onions, starting with this onion rings recipe. Onion rings are a simple yet delicious recipe that you shouldn’t hesitate to try....

  If you want to go on a low-carb diet, the Keto Bitterleaf soup recipe is perfect for you. It doesn’t have any starchy components or additives, but it’s still bitter leaf soup. Keto Bitterleaf Soup is great for weight loss and for all those looking to reduce carbs in their diet. Below are instructions for the keto-friendly bitter leaf soup:...